“Our Beautiful and Useful Allies”: Aspects of Ornithology in Twentieth Century South Africa


  • Jane Carruthers


ornithology, birds, natural history, museums, Transvaal, ecology, taxonomy



The historiography of the cultural history of science in South Africa is growing and much of it has an environmental focus. Using certain points in the 1910s, 1930s and 1950s, this article identifies and explains certain aspects of twentieth century ornithology in South Africa and attempts to highlight important general themes. Discussion centres around local versus international knowledge structures and institutional power (the periphery and the metropole), whether the role and discourse of amateurs competes with or complements the endeavours of professional scientists and to what extent it might be difficult to sustain local non-governmental conservation and scientific organisations. The article also suggests relationships between South African ornithologists and the United States of America, Africa and Australia. While not solely biographical in focus, the role of some leading South African figures in ornithology is explored.





“Ons Mooi en Nuttige Bondgenote”: Aspekte van Ornitologie in Twintigste-eeuse Suid-Afrika

Die historiografie van die kultuurgeskiedenis van die wetenskap in Suid-Afrika is tans aan die groei en toon ‘n sterk omgewingsfokus. Deur gebruik te maak van bepaalde punte in die 1910’s, 1930’s en 1950’s, identifiseer en verduidelik hierdie artikel sekere aspekte van twintigste-eeuse ornitologie in Suid-Afrika en poog dit om belangrike algemene temas uit te lig. Die bespreking fokus op plaaslike teenoor internasionale kennisstrukture en institusionele mag (die periferie en die metropool), die kwessie of die rol en die diskoers van amateurs in kompetisie met, of komplementêr tot die werk van professionele wetenskaplikes staan en in watter mate dit moeilik mag wees om plaaslike bewarings- en wetenskaplike organisasies wat nie regeringsgeïnisiseerd is nie, in stand te hou. Die artikel dui ook op verhoudinge van Suid-Afrikaanse ornitoloë met die Verenigde State van Amerika, Afrika en Australië. Hoewel die fokus van die artikel nie slegs biografies is nie, word die rol van sommige leidende Suid-Afrikaanse figure in ornitologie verken.







How to Cite

“Our Beautiful and Useful Allies”: Aspects of Ornithology in Twentieth Century South Africa. (2021). Historia, 49(1). http://jsaa.ac.za/index.php/historia/article/view/1745