Making Money with Memories: The Fusion of Heritage, Tourism and Identity Formation in South Africa


  • Sabine Marschall


Heritage, monuments, statues, cultural and heritage tourism, identity, South Africa, commodification, post-apartheid, Erfenis, monumente, standbeelde, kulturele en erfenistoerisme, identiteit, Suid-Afrika, kommodifisering



Since the advent of the post-apartheid period, South Africa has been preoccupied with the identification, celebration, re-assessment and, not least of all, commodification of “heritage”. This article explores the link between heritage, tourism and identity formation in the “new” South Africa. New monuments, statues and heritage projects are enthusiastically being promoted to become major tourist attractions in the emerging cultural and heritage tourism industry, thus resulting in development and poverty alleviation. Tourism is also expected to become the lifeline for existing older monuments, now often ideologically repositioned. This article investigates critically to what extent heritage tourism can indeed deliver on the high expectations vested in it. While some heritage developments are indeed very successful as tourist attractions, others face a range of problems and challenges. The article also cautions that it may be problematic when the commodification of heritage becomes too successful. Lastly, it is suggested that South Africa might draw some useful lessons from considering how other countries have dealt with similar issues.  



Inkomste uit Herinneringe: Die Versmelting van Erfenis, Toerisme en Identiteitsvorming in Suid-Afrika

Sedert die aanvang van die post-apartheidsera, is Suid-Afrika besig met die identifikasie, viering, herwaardering en (nie in die geringste mate van almal nie) die kommodifisering van die “erfenis”. Hierdie artikel ondersoek die verhouding tussen erfenis, toerisme en identiteitsvorming in die “nuwe” Suid-Afrika. Nuwe monumente, standbeelde en erfenisprojekte word met entoesiasme bevorder ten einde grootskaalse toeriste-attraksies in die ontluikende kulturele en erfenistoerisme-industrie te word, en sodoende die verligting van armoede te bewerkstellig. Die verwagting word ook geskep dat toerisme die lewenslyn van bestaande ouer monumente, wat nou dikwels om ideologiese redes herposisioneer word, sal wees. Hierdie artikel ondersoek op kritiese wyse tot watter mate erfenistoerisme werklik aan die hoë verwagtinge wat daaraan gestel word, kan voldoen. Alhoewel sommige erfenisprojekte inderdaad uiters suksesvolle toeriste-attraksies is, is andere onderworpe aan vele probleme en uitdagings. Die artikel waarsku ook dat dit probleme kan skep indien ’n erfenis té suksesvol gekommodifiseer sou word. Ten slotte word voorgestel dat Suid-Afrika nuttige lesse kan leer uit die wyse waarop ander lande soortgelyke vraagstukke hanteer het.







How to Cite

Making Money with Memories: The Fusion of Heritage, Tourism and Identity Formation in South Africa . (2021). Historia, 50(1).