ʼn Hongaarse entrepreneur in die ZAR: A.H. Nellmapius se vervoerskema na Delagoabaai, 1874-1883


  • J.A. du Pisani
  • J.J. Hugo


A.H. Nellmapius, Delagoabaai, entrepreneurskap, Mosambiek, Pelgrimsrus, Sekhukhune-oorloÎ, Transvaal, vervoerstelsel, ZuidAfrikaansche Republiek (ZAR), Delagoa Bay, entrepreneurship, Mozambique, Pilgrimís Rest, Sekhukhune Wars, transport system



Hierdie artikel handel oor Alois Hugo Nellmapius, wat tydens die presidentskap van Paul Kruger in die 1890ís bekendheid as entrepreneur in Pretoria verwerf het, se eerste poging om ʼn besigheidsonderneming op die been te kry, kort na sy aankoms uit Europa in die Transvaal gedurende die 1870ís. Aangesien hy bewus daarvan was dat ʼn verbindingsroete tussen Transvaal en die hawe van Delagoabaai in Mosambiek vir die regering van die Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek (ZAR) ʼn prioriteit was, het Nellmapius ʼn vervoerskema met menslike draers en pakdiere tussen Delagoabaai en Pelgrimsrus ingestel as tussentydse bedryf totdat die spoorweg eendag voltooi sou wees. Nellmapius se beplanning, onderhandelings met die Transvaalse en Mosambiekse regerings, implementering van die vervoerstelsel, en die uiteindelike mislukking daarvan weens eksterne faktore, word beskryf. Nellmapius se rol as entrepreneur in die vroeÎ fase van kapitalistiese ontwikkeling in die Transvaal, word verder beoordeel.





A Hungarian Entrepreneur in the ZAR: The transport scheme of A.H. Nellmapius to Delagoa Bay, 1874-1883 

In the 1890s during Paul Krugerís presidency, Alois Hugo Nellmapius became a well-known entrepreneur in Pretoria. This article deals with his first attempt in the 1870s, shortly after his arrival from Europe in the Transvaal, to set up a profitable business enterprise in the eastern Transvaal. Aware of the desire of the government of the South African Republic to establish a transport link to Delagoa Bay, Nellmapius made an all-out effort to set up an interim transport system which could be operated until a permanent rail link was completed between Delagoa Bay and the gold-mining town of Pilgrimís Rest. He used human carriers in the areas infested with tsetse fly and oxen on the rest of the route. His planning, negotiations with the governments of the Transvaal and Mozambique, successful implementation of the system, and its ultimate failure owing to external factors, are discussed. In addition, the role of Nellmapius as entrepreneur in the early phases of capitalist development in the Transvaal, is assessed.







How to Cite

ʼn Hongaarse entrepreneur in die ZAR: A.H. Nellmapius se vervoerskema na Delagoabaai, 1874-1883. (2021). Historia, 52(2). http://jsaa.ac.za/index.php/historia/article/view/1176