Exploring complex storytelling through wayfinding design

Stories Worth Telling - crafting stories through the art of design


  • Tonya Meyrick Faculty of Arts and Education, School of Communication and Creative Arts, Deakin University, Victoria.
  • Russell Kennedy Faculty of Arts and Education, School of Communication and Creative Arts, Deakin University, Victoria.




Australian Indigenous Design Charter, empathy, wayfinding, storytelling, deep listening, design thinking


Designing wayfinding systems in the built environment presents multifaceted challenges. D esigners must navigate not only physical spaces but also the intricate social and symbolic dynamics. In the context of developing a new wayfinding and navigation design brief and project framework for the Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, Australia (RBGV), another layer of complexity is critical: Australia’s (post)colonial history, and the particular colonial inscriptions that mark the botanical institution. The research team started to address the given project through the Stanford University Design Thinking (DT) 5-Step method while simultaneously questioning the appropriateness of western-centric design methodologies. Integration of the Australian Indigenous Design Charter (AIDC) and the International Indigenous Design Charters (IIDC) alongside the DT method emerged as a promising approach. How these two approaches would interplay together became a key concern. What emerged was the critical need for sharing stories and deep listening as ways toward a shared empathetic pathway between DT and AIDC. The work culminated in the integration of Australian Indigenous Cultural Knowledge into the wayfinding a nd navigation project for the RBGV.





