Countering stereotypes:The representation of Africans in Communist Party of South Africa Cartoons 1930-1936
The construction of racial difference as a strategy to legitimise colonialism and imperialism in Africa found expression in a visual tradition of racist representations of Africans. Numerous studies have been conducted into this visual tradition, especially with regard to popular cultural forms such as ‘ethnic’ shows (Shephard 1986), exhibitions (Hodeir 2002), advertising (McClintock 1995; Burke 2002), comics (Hunt 2002), photography and film (Richards 1986; Mirzoeff 1998; Landau 2002) and in popular culture in general (Pieterse 1992; Grinker & Steiner 1999). These studies make it clear that significant energy and resources were invested in the wide distribution to large audiences of colonialist and imperialist propaganda and associated racist imagery.